
Siemenstraße 6, 63329 Egelsbach

Orari di apertura

259 Recensioni


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259 Commenti



Nadja D

Große Auswahl, gute Beratung und netter Service


Die Zeit bis ich das Fahrzeug in meinem Besitz hatte, ist zu lang . Da ist bestimmt Luft nach oben.


Das Verkaufsgespräch, die Abwicklung

Alexandru Alex

Verry disappointed by this company. Their car report is totally misleading. In one place it states that the car original paint is within the margins, then it states that evidence of damages and repairs WERE identified. The seller could not understand the difference between WERE and WERE NOT (damages identified). Anyway, I trusted his written email that the car was indeed accident free. Then, as I wanted to buy it on the company (EU VAT is checkable via VIES platform), he asked for a complete list of documents (which I provided), so he could ask the risk department that was OK. Confirming that is OK, he asked for passport and driving license to check my signature. I also gave them a sample of the certified digital signature. Then, today, after telling me that the contract is on its way, he asked again for the VAT deposit. By reading other reviews, I understood that even after you register the car in the EU state, on the same company as you bought it, it takes a lot of time and emails to get the deposit back - so I said pass. I have been contacting the dealer from 22 January. Now it is 5 February. Meanwhile I missed other good cars. This dealer is a total waste of time and money!

Michaela Hanrath

Ich wurde von Herrn Dennis Scholz sehr gut beraten, über alles wichtige informiert und war sehr zufrieden. Er hat sich viel Zeit genommen und war auch in der Lage, nach meiner Beschreibung mir verschiedene Fahrzeuge vorzuschlagen, ohne dabei aufdringlich zu sein.

Gertrud von Lindner

Ein sehr sympathischer und fachlich kompetenter Verkäufer.


Paul P

Pro: Sehr zuvorkommend, gute Konditionen angeboten, große Auswahl an Fahrzeugen Contra: die Erreichbarkeit per Telefon könnte besser sein Ich kann den Händler vorbehaltlos empfehlen.

